of the main challenges of any company is the development
of the marketing capabilities of its management and key staff.
In reality, not all those in marketing related functions
have the requisite skills, and those who do may be light
in practical industry experience. Even experienced marketers
can use a forum for fresh views and new paradigms. Our marketing
skill building programs target these needs.
Our in-house customizable programs are designed to bring order
out of disorder and process out of chaos to the marketing management
function. Based primarily on a workshop format, these 2 to 4
day programs are intensive 'learning and doing' experiences that
include engaging discussions and in-context exercises. Using
Suidan Associates' comprehensive marketing planning process, participants
work step-by-step on defining their business,
analyzing their market and segmenting it, setting objectives,
and developing integrated strategies and tactical marketing plans
to achieve their goals. Participants then present their work to other team members for their review and comments.
Client feedback about
our programs has been outstanding. Participants value the company-specific
application, the hands-on format, and the business-focused team-building.
They view the programs as invigorating experiences that substantially
increase marketing skills, establish a common team language,
and provide a head start on a strong and effective marketing
plan. In addition, the programs address important company issues
in a confidential environment while saving travel time and costs.